速報APP / 教育 / Java Programming Problem

Java Programming Problem





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本


Java Programming Problem(圖1)-速報App

All in one solution to learn.The best app for java programming problems and solution.

There are nice UI in this app.code style of this apps is familier.


**Totally Offline

**48 problems and Solution

**Very Simple UI & UX

------------------------------Problems and solution-----------

1. Hello World

2. Addition

3. Divisor

4. Small to Large

5. Leap Year

6. Cricket Run Rate

Java Programming Problem(圖2)-速報App

7. Largest Number

8. Prime Number

9. Multiplication Table

10. Find Factorial

11. Area of Circle

12. Area of Rectangle

13. Interest

14. Percentage

15. Swapping Two Number

16. Floyd Triangle

17. Pascal Triangle

18. Binary to Decimal

19. Decimal to Binary

Java Programming Problem(圖3)-速報App

20. Decimal to Hex

21. Decimal to Octal

22. Hex to Decimal

23. Palindrome String

24. String Change Case

25. String Length

26. String Compare

27. String Concat

28. String Reverse

29. String Trim

30. Vowel Remove

31. Reverse String Array

32. Sort String Array

Java Programming Problem(圖4)-速報App

33. String to Char Array

34. Char Array to String

35. Average Array

36. Array Copy

37. 2D Array Example

38. Matrix Multiplication

39. Matrix Transpose

40. Interface Example

41. Binary Search

42. Bubble Sort

43. Create File

44. Create Directory

45. Date and Time

Java Programming Problem(圖5)-速報App

46. Date to String

47. Open Notepad

48. Display IP Address

Java Programming Problem(圖6)-速報App